
Install Eucalyptus 云平台

25 03月

Install Eucalyptus from Release Packages

To install Eucalyptus from release packages, perform the tasks listed in this topic.

If you plan to installEucalyptus HA, we recommend that you install each Eucalyptuscomponent on a separate host. For example, if you are installingCLC, Walrus, CC, and SC, you will install each of these componentson a separate host. You will also install each secondary component(the secondary CLC, Walrus, CC, and SC) on a separate host. In thiscase, you will need eight machines. Each additional cluster needsfour more machines for its CCs and SCs. This does not account forNCs, which are not redundant.

  1. Configure the Eucalyptus package repository on each host that will run a Eucalyptuscomponent:
    yum install http://downloads.eucalyptus.com/software/eucalyptus/4.1/centos/6/x86_64/eucalyptus-release-4.1.el6.noarch.rpm

    Enter y when prompted to install this package.

  2. (Optional) If you are a Eucalyptus subscriber,you will receive two rpm package files containing your license for subscription-onlycomponents. Install these packages on each host that will run a Eucalyptus component.
    1. Install the license files to access the enterprise repository.
      yum install eucalyptus-enterprise-license*.noarch.rpm \
    2. Install the actual repository file.
      yum install eucalyptus-enterprise-release-4.1*.noarch.rpm eucalyptus-license-*.rpm
  3. Configure the Euca2ools package repository on each host that will run a Eucalyptuscomponent or Euca2ools:
    yum install http://downloads.eucalyptus.com/software/euca2ools/3.2/centos/6/x86_64/euca2ools-release-3.2.el6.noarch.rpm

    Enter y when prompted to install this package.

  4. Configure the EPEL package repository on each host that will run a Eucalyptus componentor Euca2ools:
    yum install http://downloads.eucalyptus.com/software/eucalyptus/4.1/centos/6/x86_64/epel-release-6.noarch.rpm

    Enter y when prompted to install this package.

  5. If you are installing on RHEL 6, you must enable the Optional repository in Red HatNetwork for each NC, as follows:
    1. Go to http://rhn.redhat.comand navigate to the system that will run the NC.
    2. Click Alter Channel Subscriptions.
    3. Make sure the RHEL Server Optional checkbox ischecked.
    4. Click Change Subscriptions.
  6. Note: Skip this step if you plan to useVMware. Clouds that use the VMware hypervisor do not have NCs.

    1. Install the Eucalyptus node controller software on each planned NC host:
      yum install eucalyptus-nc
    2. Remove the default libvirt network. This step allows the eucanetd dhcpd server to start.
      virsh net-destroy default
      virsh net-autostart default --disable
    3. Check that the KVM device node has proper permissions.

      Run the following command:

      ls -l /dev/kvm

      Verify the output shows that the device node is owned by user root and groupkvm.

      crw-rw-rw- 1 root kvm 10, 232 Nov 30 10:27 /dev/kvm

      If your kvm device node does not have proper permissions, you need to reboot yourNC host.

  7. If you plan to run in Edge networking mode, installthe package for Edge support on each planned NC host.
    yum install eucanetd
  8. On each planned CLC host, install the Eucalyptus cloud controller software.
    yum install eucalyptus-cloud
  9. Install the services image package on the machine hosting the primaryCLC:
    yum install eucalyptus-service-image -y
    This will install worker images for both the Load Balancer and Imaging services.
  10. Install the software for the remaining Eucalyptus components. The following exampleshows most components being installed on the same host. We recommend that you usedifferent hosts for each component:
    yum install eucalyptus-cc eucalyptus-sc eucalyptus-walrus
  11. If you are a subscriber and use SAN, run the appropriate command for your device oneach machine hosting a CLC:

    For EMC SAN:

    yum install eucalyptus-enterprise-storage-san-emc-libs

    For EqualLogic SAN:

    yum install eucalyptus-enterprise-storage-san-equallogic-libs

    For NetApp SAN:

    yum install eucalyptus-enterprise-storage-san-netapp-libs
  12. If you are a subscriber and use SAN, run the appropriate command for your device oneach machine hosting a SC:

    For EMC SAN:

    yum install eucalyptus-enterprise-storage-san-emc
    Important: To use Eucalyptus with EMC SAN support, you must have theNaviCLI-Linux-64-latest.rpm package installed on each SC. Thispackage is not supplied with Eucalyptus, please see your SAN vendor if it is not alreadyinstalled.

    For EqualLogic SAN:

    yum install eucalyptus-enterprise-storage-san-equallogic

    For NetApp SAN:

    yum install eucalyptus-enterprise-storage-san-netapp
  13. After you have installed Eucalyptus, test multicast connectivity between each CLC andWalrus, SC, and VMware broker host.
    1. Install the the network tomography package on the Cloud Controller, Cluster Controller,Storage Controller, and any machines running Walrus or VMware Broker.
      yum install --nogpgcheck http://downloads.eucalyptus.com/software/tools/centos/6/x86_64/network-tomography-1.0.0-3.el6.x86_64.rpm
    2. Run the network-tomography tool on the Cloud Controller, ClusterController, Storage Controller, and any machines running Walrus or VMware Broker,passing a list of IP addresses for each of these machines.
      This tool may take up to an hour to run. Check the output for reports of packet loss.If there is significant packet loss, ensure that your network is available andmulticast enabled.
Your installation is complete.
You are now ready to ConfigureEucalyptus.
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