
R710 win2012 installed the Hyper-V sable Secure Mode Extensions in the BIOS

16 10月

case share :R710 win2012 installed the Hyper-V role show:Event ID: 60



On a computer with Windows Server 2012 or Windows 8 withHyper-V role installed or after upgrading from a previous version of Windowswith the Hyper-V role already installed, you may receive the following errormessage while starting a virtual machine:

Virtual machine'VM_Name' could not be started because the hypervisor is not running (Virtualmachine ID ). The following actions may helpyou resolve the problem:

  1. Verify that the processor of the physical computer has a supported version of hardware-assisted virtualization.
  2. Verify that hardware-assisted virtualization and hardware-assisted data execution protection are enabled in the BIOS of the physical computer. (If you edit the BIOS to enable either setting, you must turn off the power to the physical computer and then turn it back on. Resetting the physical computer is not sufficient.)
  3. If you have made changes to the Boot Configuration Data store, review these changes to ensure that the hypervisor is configured to launch automatically.

Additionally, youmay notice the following event logged in the System Event Log:

Source:Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Hypervisor  or System
Event ID: 60
Hyper-V-Hypervisor: Hypervisor launch failed; Secure Mode Extensions have beenenabled by the BIOS. Please disable Secure Mode Extensions in the BIOS tolaunch Hyper-V.
















1、启用 virtualization technology

2、启用 Exectue Disable

3、关闭 I/OAT DMA Engine

4、启用 SR-IOV Global Enable

重点在于有些版本的BIOS里面 SR-IOV Global选项,有些没有,有些设置了 Enable


关闭 ExectueDisable 选项会导致 Event ID: 48



virtualization technology toEnable

Exectue Disable to Enable

I/OAT DMA Engine to disable

SR-IOV Global Enable to enable

back into the BIOS and looked at the settings in the "Security" section. There was nothing there that referenced Secure Mode.

There was settings for "Intel AES-NI" was was "Enabled", "TPM Security" which was "Off", and "Intel TXT" which was "Disabled".

I did not change any of these. Doing some more poking around,

I found a setting in the "Integrated Devices" section which was entitled "SR-IOV Global Enable"

(I think this came in with the new BIOS I installed) which was set to "Disabled" by default.

I set it to "Enabled", exited and saved the settings change, and when it came back up into WS8, voila!

Hyper-V Hypervisor was running and I could start my VM :)

今天把一台过保机器安装成为windows server 2012 R2 启动Hyper后,发现不能启动虚拟机

事件iD 为60

OG5163-VH243DXT 60 错误 Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Hypervisor 系统 2014/12/11 17:22:49

Hypervisor launch failed; Secure Mode Extensions have been enabled by the BIOS. Please disable Secure Mode Extensions in the BIOS to launch Hyper-V.


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