
ESXI VMotion fails at 10% with a memory resource error (1006408) msg.vmmonVMK.admitFailed

23 10月

ESXI  VMotion fails at 10% with a memory resource error (1006408)


  • VMotion fails at 10%
  • Cannot power on virtual machine
  • The vmware.log file for the virtual machine that fails to migrate contains messages similar to:

    Jul 17 09:21:31.809: vmx| [msg.vmmonVMK.admitFailed] Could not power on VM : Admission check failed for memory resource
    Jul 17 09:21:31.809: vmx| Please refer to the VMware ESX Server Resource Management Guide for information on resource management settings.
    Jul 17 09:21:31.809: vmx| [msg.monitorLoop.createVMFailed] Failed to power on VM----------------------------------------
    Jul 17 09:21:31.825: vmx| Module MonitorLoop power on failed.


The message Admission check failed for memory resource indicates that the destination host is unable to accept the virtual machine because of a resource constraint.
You must check resource settings and change the settings if necessary:
To check resource settings:
  1. From the Inventory pane in VMware Infrastructure Client, select the virtual machine.
  2. In the Summary tab, click Edit Settings.
  3. Click the Resources tab.
  4. Click CPU and check the Reservation setting. If the setting is too high, it prevents the virtual machine from running on the destination host. Lower the setting so that the virtual machine can run on the host. 
  5. Click Memory and check the Reservation setting. If the setting is too high, it prevents the virtual machine from running on the destination host. Lower the setting so that the virtual machine can run on the host. 
Note: For more information about Reservation settings, see the Resource Management Guide (Resource Management Guide > Getting Started with Resource Management > Understanding Virtual Machine Resource Allocation > Virtual Machine Attributes: Shares, Reservation, and Limit).
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