
Softaculous Virtualizor Install XenServer

25 10月

Install XenServer

Installing Softaculous Virtualizor for XenServer is very simple.



  • XenServer 6.2 or XenServer 6.5
  • YUM

Notes :-

  • XenServer 6.2 or XenServer 6.5 needs to be installed before and Virtualizor will be installed on that.
  • Before installing virtualizor on Xenserver 6.5 you will require to disable cirtix repo to start virtualizor installation.

You can disable repo(For Xenserver 6.5 only) with following command from "CLI":

sed -i 's/^enabled=1/enabled=0/' /etc/yum.repos.d/Citrix.repo
  • After installation of virtualizor is completed you can enable it.

You can enable repo(For Xenserver 6.5 only) with following command from "CLI":

sed -i 's/^enabled=0/enabled=1/' /etc/yum.repos.d/Citrix.repo

Partition Scheme

XenServer does not allow you to change the partition scheme much. When XenServer is installed it will be installed with 4GB space for the OS and the remaining will be assigned to a LVM Volume Group. Virtualizor will use the Volume Group for the VMs being created. You will land up with the following Partition scheme in XenServer :

/4 GBRoot partition containing all Hardware Node operating system files
SWAP512MB +Paging partition for the Linux operating system
LVG (Volume Group)All the remaining space on the hard diskThis partition will be used to create Logical Volumes that will act as the VPS (DomUs) storage.

NOTE : You must NOT create any Logical Volume and MOUNT it. This must be an EMPTY VOLUME GROUP.
Virtualizor will not delete any pre-existing LVs in the Volume Group. But its recommended to have an empty Volume Group.


Open a Shell Terminal (e.g. PuTTY) and SSH to your server. Run the following commands:

wget -N http://files.virtualizor.com/install.sh
chmod 0755 install.sh
./install.sh email=your@email.com kernel=xcp lvg=VOLUME_GROUP_NAME repo_size=SIZE

Please give the email address correctly !

Installation Parameters

  • email - The Admin Email Address
  • kernel - In this case its xcp
  • lvg - The Volume Group that will be used for the DomU (VPS) storage e.g. defaults to vg. It should have some OR ALL unallocated space to create LVMs for the VPS.
  • repo_size - The size of the Template Repository. Where all the Templates are stored. (Recommended size is 100).
  • Optional options

virtmedia_VG - If you have more then two repository, You can the repository to be used for the virtualizor media. 
noos - If you dont want to download the DomU operating system for the DomU then please add noos=true as a parameter
beta - If there is a newer version of Virtualizor available and you would like to test it then please add beta=true as a parameter

The installation will begin immediately. It may seem that the installation has stopped, if your network speed is slow, but please let it continue. You will see something like this :

Install KVM1.jpg

After the installation is completed you will be asked to reboot.

Install KVM2.jpg

You can then visit the Admin Panel to create Virtual Servers and also manage your server.

Note : A log file of the installation process will be created - /root/virtualizor.log


To login to the Softaculous Virtualizor Admin Panel, visit the following URL :



Login with the servers root details.


Admin Panel

After you login, you will see the Admin Panel Dashboard :



Virtualizor uses ports from 4081 - 4085. If there is any firewall restricting this, you will need to allow these ports.

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ESXI VMotion fails at 10% with a memory resource error (1006408) msg.vmmonVMK.admitFailed Softaculous Virtualizor Admin Panel Install KVM