
VMDK Recovery Tool (ESX 3.5 Update 3)

13 04月

VMDK Recovery Tool (ESX 3.5 Update 3) (1007243)


For this tool to work, you must keep a current block list of your virtual machines. You cannot recover VMDK files for which you do not have a block list.
To create a block list using the VMDK Recovery Tool:

  1. Launch the VMDK Recovery Tool, log in to the service console as root and run the command: 

    # vmfs-undelete.

  2. Select option [b] to list all virtual machines registered to the host.

  3. To create the block list, perform one of these options:

    • Select [99] to back up a vmdk block list of all virtual machines.


    • Select a virtual machine ID from the list to back up a specific virtual machine.

  4. During block list creation, the tool prompts you to specify the filename to backup the data. You can either give an absolute path (a new file is created by the tool) or it will be saved in the current working directory.
Sample session:

[root@esx11]# vmfs-undelete
# VMFS Data Recovery and Backup #
# #
# This tool is NOT a replacement for regular backups #
# Please backup your data on a regular basis #
# There is absolutely no guarantee #
# Use at your own risk #
# #
# VMs with Raw Disks (virtual or physical) are #
# Not supported!!!! #

Select [b]ackup, [r]estore [q] to quit: b
0 ) /vmfs/volumes/48b033a5-b8c3c297-424d-0019bbd51b56/Win2k3DC-64/Win2k3DC-64.vmx
1 ) /vmfs/volumes/48b033a5-b8c3c297-424d-0019bbd51b56/mandel-rhel3-32/mandel-rhel3-32.vmx
2 ) /vmfs/volumes/48da37be-22e0d1a4-b076-0019bbd51b56/spanis/spanis.vmx
3 ) /vmfs/volumes/48da37be-22e0d1a4-b076-0019bbd51b56/rhel4/rhel4.vmx
4 ) /vmfs/volumes/48da37be-22e0d1a4-b076-0019bbd51b56/spanfc/spanfc.vmx
5 ) /vmfs/volumes/48932bc1-a4b8a07e-ac22-0019bbd51b58/Win2k3DC-32/Win2k3DC-32.vmx
found 6 vms
Choose a VM to backup, [99] for all registered VMs or [q] to quit: 1
number of vms to backup 1
Ready to write to data to disk
Enter path and filename of where to save the recover log to:/back/test
working on VM: /vmfs/volumes/48b033a5-b8c3c297-424d-0019bbd51b56/mandel-rhel3-32/mandel-rhel3-32.vmx
Checking for VM Snapshots...
Creating Snapshot...
read block list for /vmfs/volumes/48b033a5-b8c3c297-424d-0019bbd51b56/restore/mandel-32.vmdk
removing snapshot....
# VMFS Data Recovery and Backup #
# #
# This tool is NOT a replacement for regular backups #
# Please backup your data on a regular basis #
# There is absolutely no guarantee #
# Use at your own risk #
# #
# VMs with Raw Disks (virtual or physical) are #
# Not supported!!!! #

Select [b]ackup, [r]estore [q] to quit: q
In the previous example, the user:
  1. Is logged into the service console as root and enters the vmfs-undelete command.

    [root@esx11]# vmfs-undelete

  2. Presses the b key (for [b]ackup ), and then presses the Return key.

    Select [b]ackup, [r]estore [q] to quit: b

    Six virtual machines are listed from 0-5.

  3. Enters 1 to back up the second virtual machine.

    Choose a VM to backup, [99] for all registered VMs or [q] to quit: 1

    (Instead, you can enter 99 to select all virtual machines in the list.)

  4. Specifies /back/test as the location for the backup file.

    Enter path and filename of where to save the recover log to:/back/test

    The block list backup is completed without any errors and the /back/test file is created.

  5. Enters q to quit the tool.

    Select [b]ackup, [r]estore [q] to quit: q
To restore a VMDK file:
Run the tool and select [r] to restore the missing file.

Sample session:
[root@esx11 /]# vmfs-undelete
# VMFS Data Recovery and Backup #
# #
# This tool is NOT a replacement for regular backups #
# Please backup your data on a regular basis #
# There is absolutely no guarantee #
# Use at your own risk #
# #
# VMs with Raw Disks (virtual or physical) are #
# Not supported!!!! #

Select [b]ackup, [r]estore [q] to quit: r
enter file name to restore from: /back/test

1) /vmfs/volumes/48b033a5-b8c3c297-424d-0019bbd51b56/mandel-rhel3-32/mandel-rhel3-32.vmx
Found 1 VMs available to restore

select VM to restore [1 - 1] or 'q' to quit:1
Available VMDKs to restore:
1) /vmfs/volumes/48b033a5-b8c3c297-424d-0019bbd51b56/restore/mandel-32.vmdk
select VMDK to restore [1 - 1 ]: 1
1) /vmfs/volumes/spannedISCSI ------> [VMFS UUID: 48ad7ec0-e325a051-b085-0019bbd51b56]
2) /vmfs/volumes/esx11:storage1 ------> [VMFS UUID: 48ad95b7-a4fbcfd2-3ae5-0019bbd51b58]
3) /vmfs/volumes/datastore4 ------> [VMFS UUID: 48da37be-22e0d1a4-b076-0019bbd51b56]
4) /vmfs/volumes/100gb ------> [VMFS UUID: 48932bc1-a4b8a07e-ac22-0019bbd51b58]
5) /vmfs/volumes/spannedFC ------> [VMFS UUID: 48ada29d-e6f0dd4b-c312-0019bbd51b58]
6) /vmfs/volumes/templib ------> [VMFS UUID: 000a8416-362eaee8-b274-00145e5a474f]
select VMFS DataStore to restore to [1 - 6] : 4
Enter the directory to restore to: restore
/vmfs/volumes/100gb/restore already exists
Are you sure you want to restore to /vmfs/volumes/100gb/restore [y/n]: y
Enter the file name to restore to: [ex: recovered.vmdk]: test.vmdk
restoring VM: /vmfs/volumes/48b033a5-b8c3c297-424d-0019bbd51b56/mandel-rhel3-32/mandel-rhel3-32.vmx
Disk: /vmfs/volumes/48b033a5-b8c3c297-424d-0019bbd51b56/restore/mandel-32.vmdk
to : /vmfs/volumes/100gb/restore/test.vmdk
restoring data....
[==> 4%
In the previous example, the user:
  1. Enters option r.

    Select [b]ackup, [r]estore [q] to quit: r

  2. Specifies the /back/test file to restore.

    enter file name to restore from: /back/test

    The virtual machine is listed from the backup file.

    1) /vmfs/volumes/48b033a5-b8c3c297-424d-0019bbd51b56/mandel-rhel3-32/mandel-rhel3-32.vmx
    Found 1 VMs available to restore

    (If the 99 option were used to create the backup file, all virtual machines would be listed.)

  3. Enters 1 to select the specific virtual machine.

    select VM to restore [1 - 1] or 'q' to quit:1

    All available datastores are listed.

  4. Chooses 4 to save the restored vmdk.

    select VMFS DataStore to restore to [1 - 6] : 4

  5. Specifies the directory to restore to as "restore."

    Enter the directory to restore to: restore

  6. Enters y to confirm this choice. The directory is created automatically.

    Are you sure you want to restore to /vmfs/volumes/100gb/restore [y/n]: y

  7. Specifies test.vmdk as the restore filename for the vmdk.

    Enter the file name to restore to: [ex: recovered.vmdk]: test.vmdk


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MirantisOpenStack安装过程 VMDK 恢复工具 (ESX 3.5 Update 3)