
ELK [译]你应该了解的5个 Logstash Filter 插件

20 12月

原文:5 Logstash Filter Plugins You Need to Know About


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In ELK, Logstash handles the resource-heavy task of aggregating and processing logs. The processing work performed by Logstash makes sure our log messages are parsed and structured correctly, and it is this structure that enables you to analyze and visualize the data more easily post indexing in Elasticsearch. What exact processing is performed on the data is determined by you in the filter section of your Logstash configuration files. In this section you can choose from a large number of both officially supported and community Logstash filter plugins to determine how exactly to transform the logs. The most commonly used filter plugin is Grok, but there are a number of other extremely useful plugins you can use.

Which plugin you use will of course depend on the logs themselves, but this article tries to list five of the plugins you will most likely find useful in any logging pipeline that involves Logstash.

 在 ELK 中, Logstash 处理资源繁重的日志聚合和处理的任务。 Logstash 执行的处理工作确保我们的日志消息被正确解析和结构化,并且这种结构使你能够更容易地在 Elasticsearch 中进行索引分析和数据可视化。

对数据执行什么精确处理由你在 Logstash 配置文件的 filter 部分确定。 在本节中,你可以从大量的官方支持和社区 filter 插件中选择从而决定如何转换日志。 最常用的过滤器插件是 grok,但是还有一些其他非常有用的插件可以使用。

你使用的插件当然取决于日志本身,但本文尝试列出你最有可能在涉及 Logstash 的任何日志处理中找到的五个插件。


1. Grok

As mentioned above, grok is by far the most commonly used filter plugin in Logstash. Despite the fact that it is not easy to use, grok is popular because what it allows you to do is give structure to unstructured logs.

如上所述,grok 是 Logstash 中最常用的过滤器插件。 尽管事实上它不容易使用,但是 grok 非常受欢迎,因为它允许你将非结构化日志结构化。


Take this random log message for example:

2016-07-11T23:56:42.000+00:00 INFO
[MySecretApp.com.Transaction.Manager]:Starting transaction for session

我们使用的 grok 正则就跟下面一样:

The grok pattern we will use looks like this:

filter {
 grok {
   match => { "message" =>"%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} 
%{LOGLEVEL:log-level} \[%{DATA:class}\]:%{GREEDYDATA:message}" }


After processing, the log message will be parsed as follows:

 "timestamp" => "2016-07-11T23:56:42.000+00:00",
 "log-level" =>"INFO",
 "class" =>"MySecretApp.com.Transaction.Manager"
 "message" => "Starting transaction for session 

This is how Elasticsearch indexes the log message. Sorted out in this format, the log message has been broken up into logically-named fields which can be then queried, analyzed and visualized more easily.

More information about how grok works and how to use it can be found in this article.

这就是 Elasticsearch 如何索引日志消息。 以此格式排序,日志消息已被分解成逻辑命名的字段,可以更容易地查询,分析和可视化。


2 mutate

另一个常见的 Logstash filter 插件是 mutate。 顾名思义,这个 filter 允许你通过“改变”各个字段真正地转换你的日志消息。 例如,你可以使用 filter 来更改字段,将它们拼接在一起,重命名它们等等。

Another common Logstash filter plugin is mutate. As its name implies, this filter allows you to really massage your log messages by “mutating” the various fields. You can, for example, use the filter to change fields, join them together, rename them, and more. 

使用上面的日志作为示例,使用 mutate 插件的 lowercase 配置选项,我们可以将“log-level”字段转换为小写:

Using the log above as an example, using the lowercase configuration option for the mutate plugin, we can transform the ‘log-level’ field into lowercase: 

filter { 
    grok {...}
    mutate {   lowercase => [ "log-level" ]  }

mutate 插件是更改日志格式的好方法。 这里列出了插件的不同配置选项的完整列表。


3 date


Logstash date filter 插件可用于从日志消息中提取时间和日期,并将其定义为日志的时间戳字段(@timestamp)。 一旦定义,这个时间戳字段将以正确的时间顺序排列日志,并帮助你更有效地分析它们。


以下是Apache访问日志的示例: - - [25/Nov/2016:16:17:10 +0000] "GET
/wp-content/force-download.php?file=../wp-config.php HTTP/1.0" 200
3842 "http://hack3r.com/top_online_shops" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;
MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; YTB720; GTB7.2; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)"

使用 date filter 如下,我们可以提取日期和时间正则,并将其定义为@timestamp字段,并根据此所有日志将按以下排序:

filter {
grok {
    match => { "message" => "%{COMBINEDAPACHELOG}"}
date {
    match => ["timestamp", "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z"]
    target => "@timestamp"     }




4 json

JSON 是一种非常受欢迎的日志格式,因为它允许用户编写可以轻松读取和分析的结构化和标准化的消息。

JSON is an extremely popular format for logs because it allows users to write structured and standardized messages that can be easily read and analyzed.  

为了维护整个消息或特定字段的 JSON 结构,Logstash json filter 插件使你能够在日志消息中提取和维护 JSON 数据结构。

To maintain the JSON structure of either an entire message or a specific field, the Logstash json filter plugin enables you to extract and maintain the JSON data structure within the log message. 

下面的示例是一个格式为 JSON 的 Apache 访问日志:

The example below is an Apache access log formatted as a JSON: 

"time":"[30/Jul/2017:17:21:45 +0000]",
"userAgent":"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; YTB720; GTB7.2; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)", "referer":"-" 

Instead of having the log flattened into one line, we can use the json filter to retain the data structure: 

我们可以使用 json filter 来保留数据结构,而不是将日志平铺成一行:

filter { json { source =>"message" target => "log" } } }

The source configuration option defines which field in the log is the JSON you wish to parse. In this example, the entire message field is a JSON. I’m also using the target option to expand the JSON into a data structure within a field called log.

Read about additional configuration options here

 source 配置选项定义日志中的哪个字段是你要解析的 JSON。 在这个例子中,整个消息字段是一个 JSON。 我还使用目标选项将 JSON 扩展为名为 log 的字段中的数据结构。



5 kv

键值对或 KVP 是另一种常用的日志格式。 像 JSON 一样,这种格式主要是因为它是可读的,Logstash kv filter 插件允许你自动解析消息或以这种方式格式化的特定字段。

Key value pairs, or KVPs, is another commonly used logging format. Like JSON, this format is popular mainly because it is readable, and the Logstash kv filter plugin allows you to automatically parse messages or specific fields formatted this way. 


Take this log as an example: 

2017-07025 17:02:12 level=error message="connection refused" service="listener" thread=125 customerid=776622 ip= queryid=45

我可以使用以下 kv filter 来指示 Logstash 如何处理它:

I can use the following kv filter to instruct Logstash how to process it: 

filter {  
kv {
source => "metadata"
trim => "\""
include_keys => [ "level","service","customerid",”queryid” ]
target => "kv"

Note the usage here of configuration options. I’m using source to define the field to perform the key=value searching on, trim to omit specific characters, include_keys to specify the parsed keys which should be added to the log, and target to define the container into which all the key-pair values are to be placed in.

Read about additional configuration options here.

请注意配置选项的使用。 我正在使用 source 来定义字段来执行 key = value 搜索,trim 以忽略特定字符,include_keys指定应该添加到日志中的解析 key,并且定位到所有 key 对象的容器, 再放入值。


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