
Proxmox VNC 相关配置

08 12月

Enable Vnc 2.0 for use with old vnc clients (Including iOS and Android)

It currently is possible to enable the VNC 2.0 for use with old vnc clients however it is not recommend, and just in this guide as a reference

1. create your KVM machine, once created get the KVM ID (e.g: 100, 120)
2. SSH into your proxmox host
3. nano /etc/pve/local/qemu-server/(THE ID).conf - (nano /etc/pve/local/qemu-server/100.conf)
4. at the end of config enter the following...
args: -vnc
this basically tells the KVM to run a vnc from the IP (all) on port 6000 (5900 + what port you set)
5. run your container, and connect via external VNC

Enable VNC Password Authorisation

1. create your KVM machine, once created get the KVM ID (e.g: 100, 120)
2. SSH into your proxmox host
3.nano /etc/pve/local/qemu-server/(THE ID).conf - (nano /etc/pve/local/qemu-server/100.conf)
4. at the end of config enter the following...
args: -vnc,password
this basically tells the KVM to run a vnc from the IP (all) on port 6000 (5900 + what port you set) and to use a password as authorisation
5. run your container
6. go into the console with the web panel and run
set_password vnc YOURPASSWORD
7. connect via external ip address and port, enter you password and away you go!
NOTE: the console command has to be run every time you start up the VM because it doesnt remember the password for some reason?

Note this step shouldn't be needed anymore with pve-qemu-kvm > (1.1-7).

We have added VeNCrypt PLAIN authentication.

using tigervnc :

- encryption : none ,authentification: username and password

you can log with root@pam - rootpassword. (don't have tried with other logins)

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